Trimble Stratus Survey Drone

Trimble Stratus Survey Drone

Trimble drone surveying technology helps civil contractors use drones to map, measure, and share accurate information about their worksites and assets. Trimble Stratus includes Trimble Propeller Drones, which effortlessly map, measure, and manage in 3D. You will be able to process your flight data in 24 hours to visualize your site both realistically and geographically. With help from Trimble Stratus Propeller, you will be able to monitor your site over its lifetime in a virtually accessible 3D model.

After working with SITECH Horizon and getting your hands on a Trimble Propeller drone, you will be able to:

  • Invite an unlimited number of team members to collaborate virtually
  • Import Survey, Pre-Processed, Designs, and Point Cloud data: Geotagged JPEGs, AeroPoints, GCPs as CSV, GeoTiff, TTM, DXF, KML, KMZ, LandXML, CZML, and LAS/LAZ
  • Export 3D Models, Orthophotos, Point Clouds, Shapefiles, Survey Boundaries, Terrains, Contours, and Measurement Outline data: DXF, GeoTiff, JFIF, JPEG, LAZ, CZML, GeoJSON, and KML
  • Quickly generate and share timestamped PDF and CSV reports and measurements

Confidently Plan and Estimate

  • Get frequent, detailed images of site boundaries and protected areas to easily demonstrate your conformance with regulatory requirements.

Survey Frequently and Faster

  • Get accurate, up-to-date topographic surveys whenever you need without having to bring in a survey crew.
  • Survey inaccessible or hazardous areas safely using a drone.

Site Volumes

  • Calculate overall material volumes added or removed from pits, stockpiles, cells and drainage channels.

Communicate Effectively

  • A visual timeline keeps everyone on the same page.
  • Track site changes, avoid crossed wires and resolve disputes quickly.
  • Fewer site visits are needed when people can track progress and inspect work remotely, and manage more sites more easily.

Design Checks

  • Upload design files to compare actual surface to design surface and track progress.
  • Easily measure distances, slopes and heights to compare with site measurements.

Aggregate Operations

  • Know the exact volume of material moving in and out of stockpiles and pits to improve inventory management.
  • Optimize traffic management by ensuring that road grades, widths and cross slopes meet design specifications.

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